Event Details
2020 Special Events
Big Grid Invitational
Big Grid Invitational
Assetto Corsa Competizione
Spa 2019
Sunday January 26th 2020 08:00 PM Europe/Rome
Registration for this event has closed.

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Team Name
Philippe Simard
Philippe Simard
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Tuomas Tähtelä
Tuomas Tähtelä
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Jelle Wolters
Jelle Wolters
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Phil Vitt
Phil Vitt
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Wolff Mattuschka
Wolff Mattuschka
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Chris Severt
AMR V8 Vantage (2019)
Team Name
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Team Name
Luca Babetto
Luca Babetto
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Denis Marquardt
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Sylvain Villet
Sylvain Villet
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Joakim Stensnæs
Joakim Stensnæs
Mercedes-AMG GT3
Team Name
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Richard Fermion
Richard Fermion
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Will Eatwell
Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019)
Team Name
Bentley Continental GT3 2018
Team Name
Matthew Turley
Matthew Turley
AMR V8 Vantage (2019)
Team Name
Tim May
Teemu Pölkki
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
Team Name
Nico Basson
Nico Basson
Ferrari 488 GT3
Team Name
David Turley
David Turley
AMR V8 Vantage (2019)
Team Name
Hugh Messenger
Hugh Messenger
AMR V8 Vantage (2019)
Team Name
Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019)
Team Name
McLaren 720S GT3 (Special)
Team Name
Edison Arias
Edison Arias
Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019)

Names in (parentheses) have not yet been approved by the team owner

Names in bold are the entry/team owner

Names in italics are non-ACRL and/or guest drivers

Pre-Quali (PQ) is needed if the number of entries for an event may exceed the number a single server can accommodate, and/or if we have set specific PQ requirements for an event. In these cases, a period of PQ will be run prior to the race, usually for at least a week, and if necessary the race will be divided into equal size splits, based on PQ times. See the Driver Briefing tab for details of the PQ servers. In championship events, there is usually a points bonus for being in a higher (faster) split.

This is an overview of the PQ standings for this event, showing only PQ results by drivers who have registered for this event, with a PQ time set in the car they registered. The full PQ results can be found here. If you do not see yourself in this summary, but do see yourself in the full results, check that you PQ'ed in the same car you registered for this event with, and that the Steam GUID you are using for in-game matches the one you registered for this site with. Also note that lap times may not show up immediately in these results, it could be an hour or more before you see your times appear.

Entries Grid Size Splits
Split Entries Cutoff
1 27 -
Car Driver Lap Time Split
538 Ferrari 488 GT3 Philippe Simard 02:15.948 1
543 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Tuomas Tähtelä 02:16.290 1
598 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Jelle Wolters 02:16.692 1
585 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Phil Vitt 02:16.710 1
859 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) SamuelJ 02:16.752 1
7 Ferrari 488 GT3 Petrol 02:16.827 1
25 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Wolff Mattuschka 02:16.866 1
952 AMR V8 Vantage (2019) Chris Severt 02:17.157 1
42 Ferrari 488 GT3 BieneMajor 02:17.199 1
91 BMW M6 GT3 Pisani 02:17.367 1
968 Ferrari 488 GT3 Luca Babetto 02:17.421 1
810 Ferrari 488 GT3 Denis Marquardt 02:17.436 1
444 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Sylvain Villet 02:17.808 1
380 Mercedes-AMG GT3 Joakim Stensnæs 02:18.027 1
3 Ferrari 488 GT3 SuperMayo 02:18.564 1
825 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) Richard Fermion 02:19.134 1
54 Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) PUMA 02:19.227 1
296 Bentley Continental GT3 2018 Hendrik 02:19.254 1
747 AMR V8 Vantage (2019) Matthew Turley 02:20.439 1
6 Ferrari 488 GT3 Teemu Pölkki 02:20.565 1
402 BMW M6 GT3 Petter 02:20.646 1
46 Ferrari 488 GT3 Nico Basson 02:21.612 1
105 AMR V8 Vantage (2019) David Turley 02:22.305 1
128 AMR V8 Vantage (2019) Hugh Messenger 02:23.343 1
799 Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019) Judemuppet No Time Set 1
307 McLaren 720S GT3 (Special) Rasmus No Time Set 1
415 Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019) Edison Arias No Time Set 1

There are no results for this event

Names in (parentheses) are not ACRL members

Incident reporting closed on Friday January 31st 2020 08:00 PM Europe/Rome

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in D:\xampp\htdocs\acrl\libraries\fabrik\fabrik\Helpers\ACRLDB.php on line 498

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This event is not hosted on ACRL servers, it is being run by Mr Git and the Big Grid community.
There will be two splits, one for the top 8 from each invited community, and one for the rest of us plebs.  The PQ sessions we are running for this event are to determine who should represent ACRL in the top split.  PQ will close at midnight, GMT, on Friday 24, to give us a day to get our ducks in a row prior to race day.
There will be a workshop on Saturday 25th, open to anyone (not just those that have entered for this event), using conditions as close as we can get to those expected for the Sunday race.  Details will be announced asap on Reddit, Discord and here.
The SA required for both servers is 60, meaning you will need a minimum of 61 to join.  Plus the usual 3 Spa track medals. 
The servers for the Sunday race will be named MrGit Inter-Community BigGrid - Server One and MrGit Inter-Community BigGrid - Server Two.  The following drivers made Split 1, and should enter Server One:

Philippe Simard, Tuomas Tähtelä, Jelle Wolters, Phil Vitt, SamuelJ, Petrol, Wolff Mattuschka, HighFructoseKronSyrup

Congratulations!  Come back with your shield, or on it.  The rest of us plebs are Server Two.

Server one = mgicc1
Server two = ccigm2
The event will start (server going live) at 7pm GMT on Sunday 26th January, with a 30 minute FP session, though this may be forwarded as soon as all drivers are in the server to save a little time.  Then a 20 minute quali session, followed by the 90 minute race.  There will be a 3-4 minute bio-break wait before the start of the (full manual) formation lap. 
FP will start @ 10:00 in-game time, quali @ 13:00 and the race @ 16:00 and all sessions will run on a x3 multiplier.
Each community will be prepending their acronym to their surnames in-game, so we will be "H ACRL Messenger" (well, I will be, you'll be something else, probably).
You can find a forum post on tuning ACC video settings for Big Grid races here.
Additionally, to truly fly our ACRL freak flag, the suggested livery for ACRL entrants is Vomit Green, aka Grello:

Last Minute Instructions from MrGit
Hi all...me again!
After yesterday's test just updating the race start procedure.
It'll be a FULL manual lap start, observe the double file and single file messages given by the server!!!  Pole position will lap no faster than 120kmh on the warm up lap and will reduce his/her speed to no greater than 80kmh after the bus stopa nd make sure you are aware of your grid qualifying position.
After exiting La source, pole position will observe the start enabled message and will only apply full throttle once the "go go go" message has been shown.....PLEASE can all driver note their position regarding the left or right of the grid and relevant to the cars immediately infront and behind, i believe odd numbers line up on the right, evens on the left of the grid at Spa.
This bit was blatantly ripped from AOR's rule set....(cheers guys ^^)
"If a driver has an issue at the start, they are to indicate this as clearly as possible to those around them, either by alerting others in Discord Chat or by rapidly flashing headlights.
  • If the driver is able to move and then fix the problem, they are to do so by slowly pulling over to the side of the track closest to them to rectify the issue. If the driver with an issue cannot move, they are to remain stationary and rapidly flash their headlights.
    • Once the issue is resolved, they are allowed to pull away and re-form at the back of the pack in last position.
    • If the issue is resolved whilst cars are still driving past them on the grid, they are to wait and remain stationary until all drivers have passed them, and re-form at the back of the pack in last position.
  • If a driver is to sustain heavy damage at the start due to unique circumstances and through no fault of their own, the driver can go ahead of the pack once everyone is moving to enter the pits and repair any significant damage if they wish to do so. Once they leave the pits, they are to park immediately at the pit exit in a safe place and wait for the race start.
    • Please communicate if you have issues as early as possible and at the start of the formation lap process, as you will only be allowed to go ahead of the pack if the situation is obvious and the party leader approves for you to do so.
    • If the pack is moving when approval is given, all drivers are to stick to the right hand side of the circuit, no matter what track it is to allow the affected drivers through ahead of the pack.
    • For example, if you are in P4 and spin on the formation lap, you must form up at the back of the grid."
In the event of the server issues at the start (incorrect start sequence, no "go go go" message ect), a full server restart will be needed. In this case i will await for all drivers to re-enter the server then forward the session straight towards the race start.....i know this would mean that qualifying positions will be voided, but this would only be a last resort situation that i don't anticipate happening.
Driver names....if all entrants can have their community "tag" under the surname section of the driver details, so under "surname" place your tag 1st then a space then your usual surname, this will then have the lumirank flash your position AND the community tag of the driver making them even easier to recognise while spectating.
End of race interviews...
If all drivers could join my discord (optional, but it'd be handy for future planned events too ;)) i can drag people in for end of race interviews, chats and things... link - Mrgit discord....make sure to drop a message in #roll-request please.
Ah yes, just been reminded about server #2...once everyone is in and i know exact numbers there and as im guessing there'll be space for more, i'll let everyone know how many spots are available and you can announce it /w server #2s password to your communities and it'll be 1st come 1st serve incase you have others who want to join in, so you best forwarn anyone who may be interested....this'll obviously be very last minute but i'll get the info to you asap. ^^
No doubt i'll bloody forget something again, but if not just let me say a massive thank you to everyone taking part tomorrow and i'll be doing my personal best to ensure it's a great event for everyone...above all, just enjoy yourselves. :)

Race Info
Event Starts 2020-01-26 08:00 PM Europe/Rome
Driver SwapsNo
Mandatory Pit StopNo (no window)
Refueling RequiredNo
Tire Change RequiredNo
Weather Forecast
Pre-Quali Servers

This event has Pre-Quali (PQ), running from 2020-01-09 10:00 AM Europe/Rome to 2020-01-26 12:59 AM Europe/Rome . PQ is used to sort drivers into multiple splits by laptime. You do not need to take any action to register your times, the process is automated, simply drive laps on one of the listed PQ servers.

This event has no PQ requirements, meaning that you are not obliged to set a PQ time. However, if you do not set a PQ time, you will simply be added to the bottom of the time sheet along with any others who did not set a time (in order of event registration) and sorted into the lowest split accordingly.

PQ server details are only available to drivers entered for this event.

Event max split entries is 0! The mods made a booboo. This will no doubt be fixed soon.
Content Downloads

The information in this panel is automatically generated from our database. There may be additional or more specific download instructions in the Briefing section

There is no download link for the Spa 2019 track, which means it is probably default / DLC content

The Porsche 911 GT3 (2018) car is default / DLC content

The Mercedes-AMG GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Ferrari 488 GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Audi R8 LMS car is default / DLC content

The Lamborghini Huracan GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Mclaren 650s GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Nissan GT R Nismo GT3 2018 car is default / DLC content

The BMW M6 GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Bentley Continental GT3 2018 car is default / DLC content

The Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 2017 car is default / DLC content

The Bentley Continental GT3 2016 car is default / DLC content

The Aston Martin Vantage V12 GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Lamborghini Gallardo R-EX car is default / DLC content

The Jaguar G3 car is default / DLC content

The Lexus RC F GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Lamborghini Huracan Evo (2019) car is default / DLC content

The Honda NSX GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) car is default / DLC content

The AMR V8 Vantage (2019) car is default / DLC content

The Honda NSX Evo (2019) car is default / DLC content

The McLaren 720S GT3 (Special) car is default / DLC content

The Porsche 911 II GT3 R (2019) car is default / DLC content

The Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 2020 car is default / DLC content

The Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 car is default / DLC content

The BMW M4 GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Audi R8 LMS GT3 evo II car is default / DLC content

The Ferrari 296 GT3 car is default / DLC content

The Lamborghini Huracan Evo2 car is default / DLC content

The Porsche 992 GT3 R car is default / DLC content

The McLaren 720S GT3 Evo 2023 car is default / DLC content

The Ford Mustang GT3 car is default / DLC content

Workshop Server

Workshops are events held (usually) the day before a main season event, featuring a short race at the same track, under similar conditions, to give people a chance to practice in a live setting.

There is no Workshop scheduled for this event.

Reference Laps

This is a collection of reference lap videos, contributed by our members.  Feel free to contribute to this collection, by adding a clip of type Reference Lap to your My Clips collection on the My Stuff menu.


Any incidents shown here are those for which penalties have been assessed. There may have been other reports submitted, not shown here, which were judged as racing incidents or otherwise requiring no further action. There may also be other reports which have not yet been processed by the stewards.

Video Clips

Logged in members can upload and vote for clips. If a clip is entered for an award, votes count towards the end of season awards.

Post Race Thread

No post race thread for this event yet