
The Details

Penalty Assessed
ACC Season 1 - Silverstone

The Evidence

Head Steward Decision

20sec to Tom and a warning to Biene.

Both are on the limit. Biene's initial move was on the limit and his defence on the straight was late and a bit naughty. Dont want to see that again, . Tom then gets it very wrong in the next sequence of corners, gives Biene a series of bumps, then ploughs through him and continues on, so 20sec for the plough to pass.

The Penalties

BieneMajor (Biene Major) - Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) - 42
[Site] BieneMajor | [AC] BieneMajor | [ACC] Biene Major
Minor Warning - 3 points
Tom Bazley (Tom Bazley) - Bentley Continental GT3 2018 - 259
[Site] Tom Bazley | [AC] Tom | [ACC] Tom Bazley
Time penalty- 20 sec - 7 Points