Incident Reports (Public)
The Details
Penalty Assessed
90's DTM - Nordschleife
The Evidence
rccm 1st person
rccm 3rd person
my 1st person
my 3rd person
Head Steward Decision
Car 65 takes way too long to slow for yellows and plows through an incident. Stewards have noted car 65 did lift, but given context that a driver in front was able to avoid barreling through the incident, a 20s penalty (7 penalty points) will be assessed to car 65.
The Penalties
Rccm6 (Rccm6) - BMW M3 E30 Gr.A 92 - 196
[Site] Rccm6 | [AC] Rccm6 | [ACC] Raf Cabrera
Lap 1 - Time penalty 10x1.5 sec - 5 Points