Incident Reports (Public)
The Details
Penalty Assessed
90's DTM - Salzburgring
The Evidence
Single video for all the evidence. Self-report.
Head Steward Decision
Car 280 gets on the gas normally but collides with car 236 ahead. Moderate contact occurs and car 236 gets punted.
Since car 280 waits heavily and pretty much penalizes themselves right there, we will assign a 5s penalty with a minor warning to meet the penalty point requirement,
Since car 280 waits heavily and pretty much penalizes themselves right there, we will assign a 5s penalty with a minor warning to meet the penalty point requirement,
The Penalties
Devv_RM (Jakub Rostkowski) - Ford Sierra RS500 DTM 90s - 280
[Site] Devv_RM | [AC] Jakub Rostkowski | [ACC] Jakub Rostkowski
Minor Warning - 3 points
Devv_RM (Jakub Rostkowski) - Ford Sierra RS500 DTM 90s - 280
[Site] Devv_RM | [AC] Jakub Rostkowski | [ACC] Jakub Rostkowski
Time penalty 5 sec - 3 Points