Incident Reports (Public)
The Details
Penalty Assessed
ACC Season 5 - Monza
The Evidence
Head Steward Decision
Car 33 fails to yield to the cars ahead. The first touch was a mistake, but the second touch + the throttling through the car ahead is exactly what we don't want in a race situation.
20 Second penalty to car 33 for causing an avoidable incident, with *1.5 for lap 1 incident.
20 Second penalty to car 33 for causing an avoidable incident, with *1.5 for lap 1 incident.
The Penalties
Mehdi Alaoui (Mehdi Alaoui) - Mercedes-AMG GT3 2020 - 33
[Site] Mehdi Alaoui | [AC] e.alaouiismaili | [ACC] Mehdi Alaoui
Lap 1 - Time penalty 20x1.5 sec - 7 Points