
The Details

Penalty Assessed
BTCC - Croft

The Evidence

Hugh's POV
Matteo's POV
Skrt's POV

Head Steward Decision

From the POV of car 291 there's a definite delay in reaction to the brake lights of Car 114. This causes a chain reaction that collects a couple cars in lap 1.

10 second penalty for lack of awareness during the opening lap. The races are 15 minutes, but they still don't need the "win in the first lap" mentality with them.

The Penalties

Skrt (Skrt_Skrt) - Volvo S40 BTCC - 291
[Site] Skrt | [AC] Skrt_Skrt | [ACC] Skrt Skrt
Lap 1 - Time penalty 10x1.5 sec - 5 Points