
The Details

Penalty Assessed
ACC Season 3 - Kyalami

The Evidence

my pov
his pov
overhead view

Head Steward Decision

Car 130 makes a seriously opportunistic attempt at a double overtake and causes a minor accident. Since it is a breach in our rules (must be along side at braking/turn in point) and contact could have been avoided, a time penalty must be assigned. 5 second penalty to car 130, but take solace that IF you had completed the overtake without contact, you would have had a pretty sweet highlight reel.

The Penalties

Pieter van Loon (Pieter van Loon) - Audi R8 LMS Evo (2019) - 130
[Site] Pieter van Loon | [AC] Kavantix | [ACC] Pieter van Loon
Time penalty 5 sec - 3 Points